Don't Drink Bees Educational Ideas

...and other "pearls of wisdom"

Monday, May 08, 2006

The Sixth Sense

Kids have the sixth sense. You may think that you have your students fooled. You have put on a stern facade, and you think they believe it.

I thought the same thing when I was teaching. I will never forget the day that I was so frustrated with my class's poor behavior that I began to lose my temper. At that moment, I heard a boy tell the other students, "She isn't pretending this time. She's really mad." And I realized they could see through me.

I might as well be myself, because "acting" wasn't going to work. I had to be confident, not act as if I were confident. I had to be caring, not act as if I were caring. I had to be in charge, not act as if I were in charge.

Actions may speak louder than words, but beyond the actions there is something even louder that students are attuned to: the veracity of those actions.


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