Don't Drink Bees Educational Ideas

...and other "pearls of wisdom"

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

BDA: The Pigman & Me

Here are Before, During, and After activities for The Pigman & Me by Paul Zindel:

Before You Begin Reading…

Complete one of the following activities.
  1. What is a big change that you have gone through in your life? Moving? A new school? Parents’ divorce? Making new friends? Describe what happened. How did you feel? How did you deal with the big change in your life? Write at least half a page.

  2. Is there a person in your life whom you like or admire? Why do you like or admire this person? Describe this person’s qualities, and give examples of things this person has done. Write at least half a page.

  3. Draw a floor plan of your home and a map of your neighborhood. Label interesting places and where interesting people live. Create a key that explains why these places and people are interesting.

  4. Make a list of at least 15 things you have learned in your life. These should be things that you would help another person if you shared your tips with them.

While You Are Reading…

Complete one of the following activities.
  1. Paul Zindel uses the technique of “foreshadowing” a lot in this book. Foreshadowing is giving hints about what is going to happen later in the story. Create a table including the following columns and fill in examples of foreshadowing as you read:
    • Example of Foreshadowing

    • Page Number

    • What do you think this foreshadowing is hinting at? What will happen next?

  2. Nonno Frankie uses puns a lot to make the people around him laugh. Puns are a play on words that sound alike but mean different things. Keep a log of Nonno Frankie’s jokes. Write an explanation of each pun including definitions of the words used.

  3. Make a scrapbook of this year in Zindel’s life, including important events from the book. Create this scrapbook from any of the character’s point of view: Nonno Frankie, Jennifer, Mother, Betty, Connie.

  4. Create a booklet of advice including the best information from the book. Write one page describing why you chose to include the advice you did.

When You Have Finished Reading…

Complete one of the following activities.
  1. Think of an interesting event from your childhood. Write this event up as a chapter in the style of Paul Zindel.

  2. Do as Nonno Frankie describes in the last chapter of the book. Describe what you learn at the top of the volcano. Write at least one page.

  3. Now that you know what a pigman is, do you have one in your life? Describe your pigman and how you met him or her. What have you learned from your pigman? Write at least one page.

  4. Write a poem based on your reading. Your poem could be a summary of the story, a description of one or many of the characters, a list of wise words or punny jokes, a retelling of one of the events in the book, or something else from The Pigman & Me.

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