Don't Drink Bees Educational Ideas

...and other "pearls of wisdom"

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

BDA: Journey to Jo’Burg

These are some Before, During, and After activities for Journey to Jo’Burg: A South African Story by Beverley Naidoo:

Before You Begin Reading…
Complete one of the following activities.
  1. Make a list of everything you know or have heard about South Africa.

  2. Write a definition of “discrimination.” What does it mean? Give an example.

  3. Have you ever witnessed inequality? Describe what happened. Write a minimum of half a page.

  4. How do you feel about prejudice and discrimination? Write at least half a page.

  5. Write a poem about discrimination.

  6. Draw a picture or a make a poster depicting how you feel about prejudice and discrimination.

While You Are Reading…
Complete one of the following activities.

  1. During the story, Naledi learns a lot about the South Africa that exists beyond her village. As you read, describe what happens to Naledi and what she learns from each experience. You may use a table answering the questions below or answer the questions in a paragraph.
    • Chapter #

    • What happens?

    • What does Naledi learn?

  2. At the end of each chapter, write a letter to one of the characters discussing what happened in the chapter and how you feel about it.

  3. As you read, create a map of the journey. Label your map with illustrations that represent each event in the book.

When You Have Finished Reading…
Complete one of the following activities.

  1. Research the history of South Africa. Write a report describing how apartheid began in South Africa and how it ended.

  2. Make a tape or CD of songs that Naledi and Tiro might have enjoyed on her journey. Include a page listing the song titles and why you chose them for Naledi and Tiro.

  3. Research the history of apartheid in South Africa and create a poster and pamphlets that describe this history.

  4. Create and present a performance illustrating the journey to Jo’burg. Write half a page explaining how your performance shows the story events.

  5. Is there another country that supports inequalities similar to apartheid in South Africa? Research the discrimination problem in that country. Create a report or a poster or a speech. Describe the problem clearly and provide possible solutions.

  6. Talk to at least one other person about the events in Journey to Jo’burg. Record the discussion or write a paper describing the conversation(s) you had. How were your views the same or different?

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