Don't Drink Bees Educational Ideas

...and other "pearls of wisdom"

Friday, July 20, 2007

Metaphor Mystery Poem

How to write a metaphor mystery poem:

  1. Pick a thing to describe. This is the title of your poem.

  2. Brainstorm. Write down as many things as you can that are like your subject in some way. Think about how the things are similar.

  3. Pick at least 5 of the things you wrote down during the last step.

  4. Create the lines of your poem from the five things.

  5. Now, you can read the lines of your poem to people and see if they can guess the mystery subject, the title of your poem.

Examples: (See if you can guess the subject of each poem. The answers are below, written backwards.)

Poem 1:
Cotton balls
Fuzzy rabbit tails
Grandfather's whiskers
Spun sugar
White paint spattered on a workman's blue jeans

Poem 2:
Steady drummer
Ticking bomb
Rooster crow

Poem Example 1: SDUOLC
Poem Example 2: KCOLC

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