Have each student present a poem to the class.
After reading the poem aloud, students can discuss the following:
- Author - Who is the author? What is his or her history? When did he or she write this poem? Give additional pertinent author background information.
- Figurative Speech - metaphors, similes, personification, hyperbole
- Poetic Devices - onomatopoeia, repetition, alliteration
- Rhyme Scheme - Does the poem rhyme? If so, which lines rhyme? How many lines does the poem contain? How many stanzas? Is this poem in a particular form such as a sonnet or a limerick?
- Meter - What is th meter of the poem? Iambic? Trochaic? How many syllables are accented per line?
- Analysis of the Poem - What does it mean? How is that meaning conveyed? Could there be alternate interpretations?
Labels: alliteration, analyzing, author, figurative speech, metaphor, meter, poem, poetic devices, poetry, presentation, public speaking, reading, repetition, rhyme, simile, unit, wrap-up