Don't Drink Bees Educational Ideas

...and other "pearls of wisdom"

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

BDA: Journey to Jo’Burg

These are some Before, During, and After activities for Journey to Jo’Burg: A South African Story by Beverley Naidoo:

Before You Begin Reading…
Complete one of the following activities.
  1. Make a list of everything you know or have heard about South Africa.

  2. Write a definition of “discrimination.” What does it mean? Give an example.

  3. Have you ever witnessed inequality? Describe what happened. Write a minimum of half a page.

  4. How do you feel about prejudice and discrimination? Write at least half a page.

  5. Write a poem about discrimination.

  6. Draw a picture or a make a poster depicting how you feel about prejudice and discrimination.

While You Are Reading…
Complete one of the following activities.

  1. During the story, Naledi learns a lot about the South Africa that exists beyond her village. As you read, describe what happens to Naledi and what she learns from each experience. You may use a table answering the questions below or answer the questions in a paragraph.
    • Chapter #

    • What happens?

    • What does Naledi learn?

  2. At the end of each chapter, write a letter to one of the characters discussing what happened in the chapter and how you feel about it.

  3. As you read, create a map of the journey. Label your map with illustrations that represent each event in the book.

When You Have Finished Reading…
Complete one of the following activities.

  1. Research the history of South Africa. Write a report describing how apartheid began in South Africa and how it ended.

  2. Make a tape or CD of songs that Naledi and Tiro might have enjoyed on her journey. Include a page listing the song titles and why you chose them for Naledi and Tiro.

  3. Research the history of apartheid in South Africa and create a poster and pamphlets that describe this history.

  4. Create and present a performance illustrating the journey to Jo’burg. Write half a page explaining how your performance shows the story events.

  5. Is there another country that supports inequalities similar to apartheid in South Africa? Research the discrimination problem in that country. Create a report or a poster or a speech. Describe the problem clearly and provide possible solutions.

  6. Talk to at least one other person about the events in Journey to Jo’burg. Record the discussion or write a paper describing the conversation(s) you had. How were your views the same or different?

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

BDA: Hoot

Here are some Before, During, and After activities for Hoot by Carl Hiaasen:

Before You Begin Reading…
Complete one of the following activities.
  1. What do you know about endangered species? What are they? What are some reasons they become endangered? What are some things being done to protect endangered species? Write at least half a page.

  2. Is there a cause that you think is worth fighting for? How far would you go for your cause? Some people commit crimes for something they believe in. How far is too far? Complete at least half a page.

  3. Make a poster showing what you know about endangered species. You do not have to do any research for this project.

While You Are Reading…
Complete one of the following activities.

  1. Some of the book characters change their opinion about the new Mother Paula’s All-American Pancake House. For each character who changes his or her mind, answer the following:
    • A. Character Name:

    • B. When character changed his or her mind about the pancake house:

    • C. Why the character changed his or her mind:

  2. The author uses a lot of similes and metaphors in Hoot. Keep track of all of them in a table with the following information:
    • page #

    • This thing is compared to

    • this other thing.

    • Is it a metaphor or a simile?

  3. Write a Trace Middle news story for each chapter, describing just the information that is common knowledge to the students.

  4. Illustrate a scene for at least 12 of the book’s chapters. Write a caption for each drawing.

When You Have Finished Reading…
Complete one of the following activities.

  1. Write a report about burrowing owls in the United States.

  2. Make a poster and/or a brochure explaining an environmental concern.

  3. Make a scrapbook of newspaper and magazine articles about an endangered species. Write one page describing what you learned from the articles.

  4. Write a minimum of five poems about animals that are in danger of becoming extinct.

  5. Describe one of the scenes that took place at the construction site from the owl’s point of view.

  6. What do you think happened to Mullet Fingers? Write at least two pages.

  7. Predict where at least 7 of the following characters might be 10 years from now. Write at least one paragraph for each character.
    • Roy

    • Dana Matherson

    • David Delinko

    • Curly

    • Garrett

    • Miss Hennepin

    • Beatrice Leep

    • Mullet Fingers

    • Chuck Muckle

    • Mother Paula (Kimberly Lou Dixon)

    • Kalo

    • Lonna Leep

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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

BDA: Goodbye, Vietnam

Here are some Before, During, and After activities for Goodbye, Vietnam by Gloria Whelan:

Before You Begin Reading…
Complete one of the following activities.
  1. What is a superstition? Give at least two examples of superstitions. Do you believe in superstitions? Why or why not? Write a minimum of half a page.

  2. If you had to leave suddenly and could only four things with you, what would they be? Explain why you would choose each of the four things. Write a minimum of half a page.

  3. What does "immigration" mean? What do you know about immigration laws? What else do you know about immigration? Write a minimum of half a page.

  4. Do you feel like your parents or grandparents treat you and your brother or sister differently? Explain any differences in the way you are treated. Why do you think you are treated differently? Write at least half a page.

While You Are Reading…
Complete one of the following activities.

  1. As you read, write down all the superstitions that are mentioned in a format like the one below. Answer all the following questions for each superstition.
    • Who mentions the superstition?

    • How does Mai feel about the superstition?

    • What do you think about the superstition?

  2. As you read, fill in a chart like the one below, showing the differences between the way girls and boys are treated in the book. (see example below)

    Type of Difference Girls Boys
    Clothing Blouses Shirts and Ties

  3. As you read, make a list of characters and their physical and personality traits.

  4. Draw two scenes for each section of the book. You should make a total of eight drawings. Write a minimum of two sentences to describe each picture you create.

When You Have Finished Reading…
Complete one of the following activities.

  1. Research and make a poster on one of the following topics.
    • Growing rice

    • Vietnamese history

    • Sampans

    • Buddhism

    • Tet (the holiday)

    • The Vietnam War

    • Refugees in Hong Kong

  2. What did you think about the way Mai’s family and other refugees were housed in Hong Kong? Write a letter to the Hong Kong government explaining the problems and suggesting solutions.

  3. Research the holiday of Tet. Plan a Tet celebration for the class.

  4. Try growing rice and write a short paper about the experience.

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